I have been on the lookout for a platform with wheels I can attach behind my chair to tow able-bodied companions along while they hang onto the rear handles. (like this one which I can’t find online).
I have added an update to the bottom regarding a product I found in 2021.

There are plenty of these designed for children, for attaching behind prams.
UPPAbaby VISTA PiggyBack Ride-Along Board (for VISTA 2015-later)
One of the most popular is the Buggy Board.

This is funky, but they state it can only carry 20 kg weight. Still, if you want to tow a kid behind you you might be able to get it to work on a wheelchair.

Finding one designed for adults and for attaching to wheelchairs is more difficult. The only one “commercially” designed that I know of is the “Care E On“. The website is terrible, with cheesy music to a video that starts automatically and American flags all over the place. Still, it might work for you.

Having contacted these guys, I have to say they were helpful but a bit amateurish. Good on them for trying though.

Another possibility is getting one made up yourself.
I found these guys, Tony’s trailers, on the web.
I’m pretty sure they would make up anything you wanted.
They say “We Sell Directly to you, Custom Build, and Ship to you Anywhere in the World. No Dealers.”

The other alternative is to make it yourself. It doesn’t look too difficult. Easy attachment/detachment, flip up design, minimal intrusion with things such as wheelie backpacks and so on are some of the issues.

There are a couple of organisations in Australia that I know of with volunteers who might be able to help.
One is “scope” and the other is “TadVic”, who used to be “scope”!? It looks like there must’ve been a split at some point. The bloke from TadVic told me that scope were the “BMWs” whereas TadVic were more humble and simple.

If I ever get around to finding one or building one I will try and remember to update this post!

Update (2021):
I found this product recently.
It’s available from a model called travelscoot.
It looks pretty sturdy, although you have to alter or weld the attachment to your wheelchair somehow.
It’s called the “Standing trailer for the TravelScoot as well as other electric mobility scooters and wheelchairs.
The Travelscoot is a lightweight folding wheelchair which obviously could be great for some people.
There is an Australian travelscoot dealer but they don’t seem to have the standing trailer on offer.
I found one for sale in Germany for about €350 (about AU$550).
It looks a bit agricultural and I’m sure a local engineer could whip something equally as good.

Running board trailer for electric vehicle or electric wheelchairStanding trailerMounting the running board trailer on the electric vehicle

5 thoughts on “Ride on passenger/companion platforms for wheelchairs (2021)”

    1. Hi Glenna, I did find something recently that might work for my partner and I with a bit of modification.
      I have added information on it to the bottom of the post about platforms for wheelchairs.
      Cheers, Grant

  1. Gday mate. I’m trying to find a solution to cart gear my busking gear around on my powerchair. Finding a balance between maneuverability and sturdiness is no easy task. I recently became aware of this thing.

    I’m a bit reticent to drop a grand on something without being able to test it out. but the design concept is solid. I’m thinking something rigid, though perhaps counter intuitively, would have handling advantages and impossible to jack knife. Although something articulated would probably have its upsides. Looking at the cheaper and more available https://ilsau.com.au/product/mobility-scooter-rear-trailer/.

    Did you find anything more that was interesting? I’m still thinking that custom made would be ultimate – but it’s tempting to just get something off shelf.


    1. Hi John,
      Just saw your comment (I don’t look at/maintain this website as much as I ought).
      For one thing I have done dozens more trips that I have put on here.

      It looks like you’ve found a couple of new possibilities.
      The main issue for me is attaching to my chair.
      I have a pride quantum Edge Z with iLevel you (a heavier duty version of the edge 3).
      It’s a bit hard to find a spot to attach a towing gadget.
      I think I would go the bespoke route.
      Cheers, Grant

  2. I am looking to get a travelscoot standing trailer (specifically not the convertable trailer because of weight and length which is relevant in elevators). The problem is that I am in the USA (San Diego), and noone seems to ship there (and they are not available on the US distributor website). Does anyone know how/where I might be able to get one?

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