Hôtel de La Treille, Lille, France
This is in a great spot, right in the old town abutting Notre Dame cathedral.
The front door has a small step with a short concrete slope to improve access. The wheelie room is down the back on the ground floor. There is a narrow corridor and a couple of doors but it is doable for a slightly dexterous quad. The door to the room opens onwards via a push after swiping your card on the side wall. It has a lever handle and just enough room inside to pull it open and escape. The room is fairly small but not too bad. The bathroom is ok too, with a raised basin. My loo chair just fit over the loo and the flip-down handles were a bit short for me. The shower floods a bit with no curtain but the water was hot, strong and plentiful.

The King-size bed is a good height and very comfortable. There is room to get around beside it and room to park/charge my chair after we moved the suitcase holder gadget.
The window is forward of the bed a bit so not easy to see out of from bed. There is a bar right outside so one can see patrons but it’s not too intrusive. The lighting is quite poor.
There is a portable oil-filled heater in the room which works quite well. There is no fridge or kettle, as usual for France. Apparently in France guests cannot be trusted with kettles, and especially with toasters!

Breakfast was not included in our deal, which was fairly expensive at about €220 per night. Jill said the breakfast is fairly poor, the breakie room is small and they seem a bit disorganised. We believe therefore that it is not worth €15 per person. There is a crepe shop and a good coffee shop across the road just around the corner. There is also a very good patisserie 10 doors back down our road. Pop out and grab your own breakfast. Jill did however take her own teabags downstairs and the nice lady let us make tea for free and use their milk.

The internet is a log-on affair and quite idiotic. It times out regularly and the password allocated is tedious. It’s easiest to just reregister each time with a fake name and email. I used Mr A A, with email a@a.com. Downloads are incredibly slow, 4 hours to download a TV episode from Amazon Prime or such.
My partner’s main complaint was with the noise outside, as staff use a loo in our corridor at all hours and they often leave the outer door to the foyer open.

So, the location is good, the room is OK, the breakie is poor and the price is a little high.

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