GDP Cleary here.
I am also and often known as Grant.
My parents gave me three “first” names:
Grant, which may mean tall or large (and possibly grand or great,)
Douglas, after my dad’s oldest brother, a successful wheat cockie,
and Phillip, my dad’s middle name.
Dad always called me GDP and why argue with a good dad.
If you want to call me Grant, the “a” rhymes with Art, not Ant.
This was my parents choice and I like it.
I was born in Australia, in the Mallee town of Redcliffs.
When I was a child we moved to Robinvale, another Mallee town further east on the Mighty Murray river. Dad was a country doctor, a surgeon and GP. Mum was a nurse, mother and all round superwoman.
My teenage years were divided between Robinvale, boarding school in Melbourne and my Grandparent’s wheat and sheep farm.
At the age of 25 I broke my neck on a trampoline in Queensland. This was quite annoying but has immersed me in a fascinating and unusual life.
Some of my favourite things are: travelling, writing, the many and various arts, technology, nature, the past, the present and especially the future.
I hope you find something here both entertaining and useful.
Cheers, GDP
Please see my Travel page for more information.
Here are some photos of me through the years.